Photo by Bogon. Modeled 승훈 and 성목이행님


March 26th, 2k16!

We, 승훈, 성목이행님, 혜연이누나, 나, usually play squash in 경성스포츠센터 on Saturday like at 10 or 11 am.

I was kinda way behind of them cuz I've not played squash for almost one and half years. well honestly, even if I had kept playing squash for that time, I couldn't get over them cuz they played it more than me. Anyway, I've started taking squash class from March. I was concerned whether I took the class or not due to my knee's state. However, it's kinda funny thing but, right after I took the squash class, my knees are getting better! I guess it's because my laps are getting trained to sustain my no-muscle upper body lol So!! I LOVE SQUASH. IT IS AND WILL BE MY EVERLAST SPORTS, like sport for all my life? lol.



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