Photo by Bogon. Modeled 승훈 and 성목이행님


March 26th, 2k16!

We, 승훈, 성목이행님, 혜연이누나, 나, usually play squash in 경성스포츠센터 on Saturday like at 10 or 11 am.

I was kinda way behind of them cuz I've not played squash for almost one and half years. well honestly, even if I had kept playing squash for that time, I couldn't get over them cuz they played it more than me. Anyway, I've started taking squash class from March. I was concerned whether I took the class or not due to my knee's state. However, it's kinda funny thing but, right after I took the squash class, my knees are getting better! I guess it's because my laps are getting trained to sustain my no-muscle upper body lol So!! I LOVE SQUASH. IT IS AND WILL BE MY EVERLAST SPORTS, like sport for all my life? lol.



Photo by Bogon. Brooklyn bridge on May 25th 2015

This is my first step for Tistory.

Hope it will keep going on!

'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

어버버 어버버  (0) 2016.03.31

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